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Bowers School Garden
Welcome to our school garden!

We have 14 plots, an orchard, a greenhouse, a pergola shading a seating/work area, a composting area, and an outdoor classroom seating area. Classrooms are welcome to visit the garden whenever they like, and all classes have a garden rotation for 14-15 weeks during the year. Students enjoy looking at the plants, searching for bugs, and digging in the dirt. In addition, they are learning about composting and NGSS Science Standards.

Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers to help maintain our school garden throughout the year. Here are some ways that you can help out:

Lunchtime Compost Program

We need 1 or more volunteers to support our lunchtime compost program. You will supervise students to collect left over fruits and vegetables by the lunch tables, then walk them down to the garden to deliver buckets of compost material. Time is approximately 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. every day.

General Maintenance & Summer Maintenance

We need volunteers to help keep the garden planted, weeded, watered, etc. throughout the school year. Time can be whenever it works for you. We'd love your help!

If you have other ideas to help out the Bowers School Garden, we welcome them!

Current Crops Planted

  • Lettuces (multiple varieties)
  • Sugar Snaps
  • Fava Beans
  • Cauliflower (multiple varieties)
  • Broccoli (multiple varieties)
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Carrots (multiple varieties)
  • Ruby Streaks Mustard
  • Kohlrabi
  • Pak Choy/Bok Choy varieties
  • Strawberries (multiple varieties)
  • Nasturstium 
  • Peppers (multiple varieties)
  • Eggplants (multiple varieties)
  • Wheat
  • Beets (multiple varieties)
  • Rainbow Chard

Garden Wish List

The following items are on our wish list:

  • 100 ft garden hose
  • Native shrubs
  • Potting soil (G&B Harvest Supreme)
  • Vegetable fertilizer (evenly balanced)
  • Bird seed
  • Hummingbird feeder & food
  • Seedlings (depending on the season)

Later in Winter

  • Fruit trees
  • Grape vines
  • Blueberry bushes/root stock


Cynthia Mallison
Teacher/Garden Facilitator 
(408) 423-1164
Room 14
